The need for quality vocational and technical training has been recognised as a vital factor in equipping Namibia with an adequately skilled labour force that will in turn strengthen socio-economic development and self-employment.
Namibia recognises TVET and skills training as a crucial vehicle for social equity, inclusion, and sustainable development. TVET has the potential to contribute to lowering unemployment and poverty alleviation as well as enhancing the levels of self-confidence of individuals in becoming productive citizens.
Hosted by SABA online, the meeting provided a platform for members to explore the requirements and potential partnerships in TVET and skills training with a particular focus on sectors including energy (especially renewables and hydrogen), maritime, automotive, agriculture and teacher training.
Attendees from SABA included, City of Glasgow College, Edinburgh College, New College Lanarkshire, Forth Valley College, Aberdeen Drilling School, RelyOn Nutec and ION.
From Namibia, HE Linda Scott High Commissioner for Namibia in the UK, Mr Charles Moore UK High Commissioner to Namibia, Muvatera Ndjoze-Siririka CEO Namibian Training Authority, Tobias Nambala GM Namibian Training Authority, Mr Pinehas Auene Namibian Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organisation and the Namibian Ministry of Education.
The scene was set by Jim Metcalfe, CEO of College Development Network Scotland with SABA members then presenting directly to the gathered audience.
Following the meeting feedback has been positive with SABA members committed to a skills training trade mission in 2023:
“Thanks very much for organising this meeting: I thought it was a great session and glad to hear that’s a feeling shared by the Namibian side as well” - Edinburgh College
“The meeting was a really useful interchange of ideas and potential collaboration across both skills training and TVET” - ION
“I really enjoyed the session and of course we’d be delighted to continue supporting the exchange in any way that we can.” - College Development Network
“Big thanks to SABA and the speakers for a very interesting and useful session. I’ve discussed this with our parent company and fellow SABA member, RelyOn Nutec, who are equally keen to be involved” - ADS
The feelings were shared with the those on the meeting from Namibia:
HE Linda Scott High Commissioner for Namibia in the UK, said: “Many thanks for your efforts, I look very much forward to seeing this produce results for both Scotland and Namibia.”
“We can see so many possibilities for partnerships in TVET and other skills training and we know Scotland is the place to find those partnerships” - Muvatera Ndjoze-Siririka CEO Namibian Training Authority
“Having studied in Scotland it is personal to me that we increase partnerships between my country and this country I love” - Tobias Nambala, GM, Namibian Training Authority
This was seen as a first step in a longer process with outcomes now focussing on a delegation visit to Scotland in early 2023, led by the Minister of Education and the Namibian Training Authority to visit SABA members and hold discussions on furthering potential partnerships.
In advance of this Mr Pinehas Auene will be visiting Scotland in November 2022 to engage with SABA maritime members in skills training, ports and renewable technologies.
Presentations from the meeting will be available to SABA members.
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